This blog includes 52 Stories in 52 Weeks, which was done in 2007, along with some metaphysical or life lectures. There is artwork and videos, too. I started writing and drawing with two hands around the year 2001 as a mental and brain development experiment on my own brain to restructure my brain's neurons, etc. again. Simply put, using two hands to write and draw forces both sides of the brain to connect together, to become a holistic, stronger, improved brain. I hope you enjoy my blog.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Dead Presidents Wondering

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ## 8 Dead Presidents Wondering:

By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain + Mind

As they heard stories from current dead America presidents, Washington said to Lincoln, "Well, if we knew how America was going to turn out after we fought the British and then after we had fought among ourselves, maybe we would have acted differently if we had known better." "Yea," said Lincoln. "But how could we have known that the baby America would have grown up to become the adult global superpower that it has become in the form that former presidents in the pass a way President’s Club zone have stated to us." "Well, we did what we had to do in the moment that we had to do it." responded Washington. "We might have created a completely different constitution, but one can not plan for every future event; especially when no one knows what the future holds for America and the world. The world changes just to fast, it seems. Women’s rights, gay rights, black rights, muslim rights, and not enough people carrying their own guns....What is that? So many drug dealers carrying guns and not enough non-drug dealers carrying their own guns....What is that? What happen to the freedom to carry guns, to protect yourself from evil people? Like those futuristic drug dealers? Oh well!"

As they shared a bottle of scotch, they raised their half filled glasses of the yellow liquid towards the ceiling of the pass a way President’s Club as one or the other made a toast, "To America’s dreams of building freedom and all that freedom truly stands for, without any more war and death." Of course both Washington and Lincoln knew that was not possible in any year yet, but they hoped that one day peace would prevail, as did all of America’s previous presidents. But they all knew by experience and wisdom that there was a certain evil in the world that did not believe in the general concept of freedom, but especially of America’s concept of freedom, which included the freedom of a general class of free thinking people to think freely about God, the universe, and even human government, politics, and law.

In the pass a way President’s Club, Washington and Lincoln heard the whispers of other war time presidents, "Until that evil against freedom has disappeared, war and blood and death will continue in some form; for America as well for the whole world, until that is, every ounce of evil against true freedom has been destroyed, gone from the minds of men in governmental and religious power. A voice was heard reminding Washington and Lincoln how President Ronald Reagan stated, in front of the whole world, "Take down this wall!" in a speech in Germany, June 12, 1987. Maybe Reagan did not know that how one statement, one sentence would not only change one divided country called Germany, but how he put an idea into the minds of everyone who had heard the concept, "Drop the barriers that divide people from each other and from enjoying the freedom of being one people, one a sense one world."

Other presidents nodded their heads up and down as they began to realize how one sentence can carry much bigger meanings that are not meant at the moment. When President Kennedy state that, "Before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon, and returning him safely to earth...", He might not have realized how he changed the minds of every listener in one moment of time. Not only did he change the course of human events, but he also changed how people dreamed about the future, even if they themselves would never travel to outer space. But other people, like governmental leaders of other countries saw their future space programs as future war budgets and goals.

Washington and Lincoln both looked at each other wondering how much the world had changed since they were presidents and how one American President in May 25, 1961, only one hundred years since Lincoln’s swearing into president in 1861, could change the world by making a single wish if you will, with a single demand to put a man on the moon within ten years. Kennedy never said, "Lets dream of putting a man on the moon." He spoke of committing to a goal and as the whole world heard his desire to commit to a goal; somehow, he had committed everyone desire to a seemingly impossible goal of placing a man on the moon.

Washington and Lincoln knew that they had never dreamed of setting such a high goal because their presidential goals were different than other presidents of different eras. They were forced to create and develop a nation from the start of its new birth away from its mother country of Britain to become a land, a country, a nation where all men would have the freedom to dream, and to fulfil those dreams even if that meant that only one or two men out of millions would force all men to dream impossible dreams, whatever those dreams may be for the future generations. Other presidents whispered their thoughts to one another as Washington and Lincoln walked over to Kennedy. They each had shaken Kennedy’s hand as Lincoln stated to Kennedy, "It is a good thing that all of those boys did not die for nothing. As Reagan overheard their conversation, Reagan was glad that he did not have to send anyone to fight and die in a full scale war, although he knew that he would have if he had to defend America’s land and freedom from outside enemies. After all, he was president of America during the cold war when the atomic age was also in its infancy. How ironic that the greatest and most powerful country on earth needs the most powerful and greatest weapons to defend itself against the evil people who believe that death is their answer to power.

Each president, the commander in chief of the United States Armed Services for the greatest and strongest nation on earth to date, with the most deadly of all weapons to date. Some would call that evil; the evil to be creating and owning the deadliest of weapons; when one bomb could and has killed tens of thousands like a blast from the heavens, sending death and destruction to people who sinned little, if at all, except to stand up for their country in which they lived. And yet, the biggest of political sinners are those evil religious fanatics who wrongly believe that they should obey a person’s moral standards of a thousand years ago or whenever.

America, where the separation of church and state is part of the bargain America made with itself at its birth. Someone mentioned how ex-president Carter, a Christian or religious person, might have answered such issues, with the response, "How can a religious person who becomes America’s president or commander in chief deal with such issues such as war and the evil that would like to destroy America’s freedom that allows men to dream and think, unlike any nation on the planet. How can a leader who not only goes to church, be truly believes in the man Jesus and his teachings, be concerned with the world and its ways; of money, of war and mass weapons of mass destruction. But maybe even more deeply, how can a religious president put himself into a position of being responsible for the lives of men, either good or bad?
Carter or someone like him might bring up or quote stories from the Bible how certain leaders had to destroy other nations for the sake of a religious reason. But some thinkers might ask, "Are we not supposed to be a more civilized human race after 2000 years after the thinker Jesus preached his words to the world?" And other thinkers might answer, "Just because the current civilization possesses the highest technically does not mean that the human soul and especially the human animal has progressed enough to use that technology in the manner for good and not for evil.

Washington raised his voice and yelled, "Thank God that we did not have your modern weapons when we were fighting for America’s freedom from the British." Lincoln approvingly nodded his head. The room became silent as the angry Washington sat down to rest. Then, Reagan stood up and stated, "But you previous presidents do not know what kind of evil people would use the modern day technology to destroy America and other parts of the world. There are millions of people who still believe that they should kneel down in front of the sun to find their god, while they want to cause harm to America’s people. A modern day president must be prepared to defend America and the world from religious nut jobs who would kill anyone for any reason in the name of their god. At least America does not kill in the name of any God. Just to protect the concept of freedom and the people who live in America."

One ex-president stood up and remarked, "So what is going to change the minds of religious nut jobs who believe that they can kill innocent people just because not everyone believes in their god, or morals, or dress codes, or even in their concept of heaven and hell when after all, we have space ships traveling into outer space. The old concept of heaven and hell is gone because of the new technology, so that should led to a new sense of politics and government. The desire to please an old concept of god, as if god was human or even a human being should also be gone too, but it still hovers over people like a five thousand piece of art. The art is hung on the wall for everyone to observe, but some people walk away from the old art to look at the new art and furthermore, to create some new art."

The pass away president’s club’s members wondered about what future president’s as commander in chiefs would have to do to protect America from the ever changing forms of evil that would like to destroy America, it people, and America’s freedom. But one ex-president yelled out from the background, "Long Live America, and to hell with the evil doers!" Another ex-president stated, "We may not be able to send them to hell, but we better be able to send them up in smoke."

Another stated, "Maybe not. We might need war to keep the economics of the world from being slowed down to nothing. There is money in guns, bullets, tanks, planes, etc., etc., etc., We need jobs and with so many wars, there is always a business for us. After all, computers and robots are taking over many jobs, so we in the end, maybe computers and robots may be fighting the wars for America’s freedom." Washington looked at Lincoln. Kennedy looked at Reagan. And then a cheer was yelled by an unfamous president, "Thank God we are dead."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

St. Valentine's Day Surprise

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ##7 St. Valentine’s Day Surprise:

By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain - Mind

Everyone’s hopeful wish for a touch of love on the one universal day when lovers and non lovers like are expected to show a moment’s sign of love for another person, even if that love is not romantic. Classroom children exchange cards and maybe some candy while grownups might exchange roses, or chocolate, or maybe even a diamond ring or necklace. Even though they may not understandingly touch the spirit of grow up love, children probably do not realize what all that love stuff is all about, while most grown ups realized that to celebrate a moment of love means to spend money on a person, romantic or not, who may or may not love you back or may or may not love another person besides yourself.

Yet, the same people may even exchange other kinds of gifts on the religious day of Christmas, when Jesus’s birth is celebrated, without a hint of love for the one man that changed the world, forever. The one human who loved all of mankind so much, that he gave up his own human life to prove that there is no death. But how can true love ever die. A strange cosmic fact in a universe where birth and death seem inevitable, where the only thing that may never die is the spirit of love, even the love that spans beyond death and the grave. What could be better than an invisible St. Valentine’s Day gift from beyond the grave. A supernatural St. Valentine’s Day gift from a lover who never had the chance to love a person they loved, before they left a material earth for a immaterial cosmic universe.

Ever since his friend died her earthly death many, many years ago, Mike could feel her presence once he rested from wandering the land called earth. As the earth moved around the much wider sun, Mile has moved from one place to another, living here and there and everywhere, until one day he found himself a home from which he could hear the earth moving around the sun, just as he could sense the presence of his childhood lover, a lover he could not physically love because the time was not correct for two people to love as lovers should love. Mike was older now, and once he was old enough to know that his childhood past was floating off even memory lane, he began to look towards the future, even a future life beyond the space-time universe he saw with his own eyes. As Mile once bath in a tub of water, a thought popped into his mind which as he subconsciously wondered about life.

Is it possible, if two people were closely connected on earth, in the form of communications and that of the heart, to be still connected even when one of them had left their earthly body, to travel where ever they go, as they might still carried memories of true friendships with them after they left one space and time universe to, as they traveled to another space and time universe. But if both of them had risen above the limitations of the human brain and human mind to understand how a universal cosmic consciousness could be not only understood, but developed by two people; then those two cosmic minds would be able to know that if life was multi-dimensional, and consciousness was also multi-dimensional, then there was no real reason why two cosmic people whose awareness had already risen above the space-time universe, to be able to stay connected by the link which always keeps two friends close together, even in the human.

As Mike sat still on porch one day, reading a book, a fly flew by faster than ever and Mike arrived at a startling conclusion; If flies and birds and flying bugs and insects and could fly faster than any human could fly, especially per body weigh, then maybe humans were not meant to fly faster than the speed of sound, as some pilots already do. Maybe humans were created to not fly with steel wings, but they were created though millions of years of evolutions to fly with their mind, with their consciousness, with their understanding about life beyond planet earth and its universe of space and time. Mike seemed to have an unexpected revelation from another realm, just to get to understand that moving and traveling around the globe was not the way to listen to one’s self or to life on earth, or to the universe, or to other universes, or to even God, whatever God Is.

As the spirit of St. Valentine’s Day arrived closer to the hearts and minds of all mankind, Mike’s mind imagined sensing ly traveled up and beyond his room to his lover’s mind who might be looking down upon him as he walked his path on earth. With so many different paths on planet earth, the path of being a student, of being a teacher, of being a machine driver, of being a gardener, of being a writer, of being a musician, of being a thinker and wonder er about romantic love on the day when lovers share a common goal, away from worldly thoughts of money and death.

Mike took a walk in his long garden, away from the world of men and machines and money.
Mike looked onto the garden’s flowers growing up towards the sky, even as the hummingbirds dashed around the flowers and then dashing into the flowers to get their sweet nectar; just as two different lovers who share their sweet love, but also their love for the life that surrounded them. What kind of life would his cosmic lover have around her, as she lived her new life away from planet earth, or maybe she was just next door, looking into planet earth’s living life as Mike looked into his pond and the swimming fish.

As Mike transcended out of his human mind into his cosmic mind, he began to see more clearly the other universe just next door to the space-time universe that trapped his physical body, just as a jailed prisoner who looks out of his steel barred windows, only to wonder about life on the outside of his cage. But Mike knew that he was not in a steel cage, because he was surrounded by life, even the sensitive earthly life which lived outside of human existence, but also within it. One affects the other, just as the other universe affected Mike.

Mike began to be aware of the life around him, the growing and glowing yellow flowers that attracted the hummingbird and other flying creatures. Mike began to leave his inner realm for the buzzing life around him. He looked up towards to the white clouds in the sky to see the seagulls flying from here to there, as if they were guided by an intelligence which forced them to fly from there to here and then to wherever. Mike could also feel their freedom to choose where they wanted to go as if by some instinct, passed on from generations of seagulls to future seagulls. Mike saw the seagulls moving their heads from side to side, looking around to the right and to the left as they flew and as they scanned the earth and all of the houses and streets and everything else from their safe distance high above in the sky. Maybe they were traveling to the sea coast or just to circle around back to the local lake, but in any case, the seagulls knew they had wings.

Mike then saw a cat walking on the fence, probably looking for a bird to eat as the hummingbirds flew passed the cat, probably laughing at the cat, mocking the hungry creature that possessed the instincts of their tiger family, but small enough to be able to live among humans in the advanced age of computers and satellites. Mike then pictured the hundreds if not thousands of satellites that were circling overhead, above the earth. Mike also pictured their invisible beams of waves which transmitted all kinds of information from earth to earth, and from the cosmos to earth, and from one cell phone to another cell phone; all of which could be monitored by the government.

Mike then thought about his lover sending him some invisible beam from her universe to his mental universe; his cosmic mental universe. Mike felt the Love that held everything in space and on planet earth in a big cosmic grasp, caring for life on all levels of existence. Mike that of possibilities beyond the limited brain, like how one creature in one universe would overcome her own space-time limitations to communicate with another creature in another universe who had also overcome his space-time limitations. After all, it would seem easier for two advance creatures to communicate by means of a cosmic consciousness than by some sort of not yet developed cosmic cell phone.

Mike’s inner mental antenna was turned on, awoken to its purpose, to receive and transmit information just like earth’s satellites. Mike tuned into a certain cosmic frequency which by now he had developed, even if not fully developed. But somehow, he started to listen for a message of love from his lover who was located in another realm, another universe, even if she could see and hear him, but he could not see and hear her; except in his mind. A mind that was once trapped inside a brain, and then expanded and expanded to become aware of the cosmos and beyond the cosmos, to other possible universe. Mike knew that he could not imagine every possible universe because even he was not that highly developed to envision every possible life form in every possible realm of life.

But he knew that there if only one other creature from one other universe was tapping into his own opened, yet focused mind waves, that maybe the two would meet up as one in a dreamy mental universe. Mike felt the waves arriving from beyond the known and seen universe, so he walked back to the house and he sat down in a chair. Closing his eyes, he saw her face, as clear as he could see her face; mainly the eyes, for even in other universes, the eyes could be a window to the soul. Mike wondered if she saw him as he really was, or did she get a picture of his face that she could notice within her own mind? Mike thought to himself that if other creatures looked different, but they were mentally transmitting messages and pictures of themselves, that maybe they could change their facial images, or maybe they were just naturally changed for the receiver so the receiver would know that he was meeting a cosmic mental traveler in another mental universe, a universe that was separate from the space-time-matter universe.

Mike began the mental transformation by blanking out the world, and opening up his mind to focus on not only his inner awareness, but to the outer cosmic awareness. He entered a place beyond space and time, a different realm where the two could meet up with their personal fantasy. On this special day, a new person entered Mike’s awareness. Mike was taken hold by this lover, his new cosmic friend, into a room with roses on a table and chairs for them to sit in. After she showed him his chair and he sat down, she brought in a special tea for them to drink. He felt the special tea cause his mind to become at one with her mind even more than he already was in the cosmic dividing line between their two universes.

Mike and his lady melted into a cosmic sense of oneness as their minds first connected and then they soul’s connected and then their bodies connected in the mental dream world which was real to them, but a dream to the Cosmic God who only knows perfection. He felt her touched his hand as she led him into her secret room, with her secret toys and games that she would only play with her new cosmic lover, Mike. Mike felt her guidance without even a voice because they were at one and no voice was needed in the cosmic game they played together.

Mike felt her hand as she walked him from one room to another room, through one state of mind to another state of mind. The lady seemed to know more about these cosmic travels and meetings than did the newly developing Mike. Maybe she knew that today was a lovers day on planet earth, or maybe she did not know. But he was gone from earth, until his earth connected body heard the telephone ring. Snapped out of one cosmic dream, while landing hard into the realm of his home space-time-matter realm. Mike realized that he forgot to take the phone off the hook, but it was to late. He had immediately snapped back into his normal human form, but the phone had stopped ringing.

A few hours had passed since he had left the normal space-time world of earthly existence, but now that he had returned, he had obtained another memory of multi-dimensional traveling, but he knew that no one would believe him. So he just kept his mouth closed, but his mind was always opened for new messages. As he woke up from his out of body traveling, he stepped outside to visit his backyard again. The backyard seemed to be new, different every time he stepped outside to visit the life in his garden. The hummingbirds seem to be flying faster and better, just as they sat on the tiny tree branches to rest, and to listen to the music with new ears everyday. Even the hummingbirds remembered the music they heard all of the days before today, so they knew what to expect and when unexpected new music was sounding forth from Mike’s house. Mike always remembered most of his travels just as the hummingbirds remembered their musical tunes, but Mike also remembered the new travels and new messages that sounded forth through the window of those higher and different dimensions of cosmic life.
One of Mike’s hypotheses stated that earthly life sometimes copied cosmic life, and he sometimes felt like a human hummingbird that could fly without wings, into the different cosmic realms beyond his human limitations. But who other humans cared about cosmic life, except the few out of millions who had been touched by the cosmic sounds that passes through the cosmic windows to the minds and hearts of the few humans that listened to the cosmic music from worlds beyond and behind our world.

But then again, Mike would hear life on planet earth anew because his awareness had been expanded even farther because of his cosmic travels beyond earth; each cosmic visit making Mike a newer and better and higher creature with a better sense of what life was really about, just as the hummingbirds who returned to their nests at night to dream about the music they had listened to from Mike’s house. Mike also sensed a new lady lover flow into his mind, as he began another mind melting experience, only this lady lover was still alive on planet earth, but who lived very far away from Mike. Mike felt her mind become one with his mind, just for the fun of it, as two lovers would love on planet earth, or in planet mind, in a cosmic universe of MIND

Frank, the Ex-Football Player

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: #6 Frank, the Ex-Football Player:

By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain - Mind

Frank the watched the Super Bowl from his chair with a glass of mountain spring water in his hand. He drank the cool water as he watched the rain hit the ground, the players, and even the watchers in stadium stands. He noticed that some football players were drinking water and other cold drinks even though they were soaking wet from the rain and from rolling around one way or another in the wet grass and mud. He noticed that many of the watchers in the stadium stands were also drinking drinks, though most of them were soaking wet. The rain did not usually rain all day long during a football game, but this was the Super Bowl, the last, but biggest game of the year. The winners of the Super Bowl were supposed to be the best team for the year, even though some Super Bowl teams were considered underdogs while other teams were considered to be the winners before the game even started.

Frank knew many football players and non football players who had gambled and still do gamble on the game of football, along with other games. Frank had gambled in the past, but Frank had learned the hard way that the underdog sometimes wins, and they win for different reasons. As Frank slowly sipped a small amount of the expensive water, just to keep his mouth wet, he recalled how he had played football many years ago. Sometimes, he played for the winning team, who sometimes lost, while in other years, he played for losing teams who won. Just as in each football moment, to each football game’s last seconds, an interception or a tumbling ball picked up by the defense side, would surprise everyone, but maybe none more nervously than those gamblers.

Frank instinctively knew that on Super Bowl Sunday, that day’s gamblers might have been the most nervous people on the planet, especially for those gamblers who were depending on their potential financial winnings to pay off some other gambling debt or to buy some new worldly items. Frank thought that even the young soldiers in a war might not have been more nervous than those gamblers who knew they could definitely lose money that maybe they did not have to lose. Why did gamblers who did not have the money to gamble with take the chance of losing their nonexistent money when they would be better off just watching the Super Bowl game with a glass of spring water. Would these same gamblers fight a war with unloaded guns, even as the other side was shooting at them with real bullets? The mental pleasure of winning at something costs many a men not only their future bank accounts, but their immediate egos too.

Frank had long ago freed himself from gambling on football games, even though he had then considered himself an expert on the teams and their players and their coaches and even the backroom and locker deals. Frank was taken himself out of the game of football and then he took himself out of the gambling game of football. As Frank sat still in his soft brown leather chair, with the big tv screen in front of him, he realized that millions of people in America were also watching the game, even if they did not watch a single game during the season. Why would millions of people, mostly men, watch a single game, when most of them did not watch football all season. It could be answered that the Super Bowl was the only football game being played that day, or that the tv producers silently forced people to watch the Super Bowl because the tv producers programmed only repeats of all other tv programs, or that people felt the human social need to join in on the party, whatever the party was that day, like a big Super Bowl party.

After Frank left the game of football, he began to wholeheartedly study the pathways of the mind instead of the pathways on the football field. Frank began to study human history, including human warfare, along with topics of the mind, such as psychology and philosophy.

Frank knew that there were pathways on and off of the football field. In many regards some of those pathways are remarkably the same and in other ways, those pathways are remarkably different. Football players can exercise good human and moral qualities both on and off the field, just as they can exercise subhuman qualities both on and off the field. Frank that recalled all of the football players he had known throughout his lifetime. Some of the nicest players on the field were just as nice off the field with their families and when they appeared in other public gatherings. These kind hearted players knew that football was just a game, meaning that at the end of each game, there would be a loser team and a winning team. But other players were different.

Frank remembered how many football players wanted to win no matter what they had to do to win the game, even if it meant needlessly hurting another player in or out of the game if they knew that they would not be caught during a commission of a crime, for the team, so the team might be better off to win the game. Some of these do anything to win players would also go to church to pray to God to help them win their games.

Frank chuckled as he focused one player who would pray before the game and then he would go and try to break someone’s knee cap or grabbing a helmet to pull a player down to the ground as hard as he could, even if it broke that player’s neck. Some players did not care if they hurt the other team’s players, while most of the players did not want to hurt the other team’s players.

Frank wondered what separates the type of people who mercilessly hurt other humans while other types of people show mercy on their fellow human, even if they are down and out.
What kinds of childhood paths fated people to lean towards on kind of evil path while other people were fated to lean towards being more of a saint than of a sinner. Were the brains and minds of the different football players preordained to complete differently or were they created by social and cultural norms. Then there were the fans.

Some fans are sometimes crazier than the players because some fans seem to needed a purpose to live, so they live for their team; as if they belong the team, like the team cares about the single people who actually watch the game of football. Those fans that put their favorite team label on their cars and trucks, along with wearing the team’s jacket all week. As the tv camera turned towards the fan’s seats, Frank saw a group of fans beginning to argue with some other people. A few arms were swinging towards the faces and bodies of other fans, just as if they were in a battle for some sort of homeland territory or as if they were trying to protect the homeland from foreign invaders, just as they did in the old times for the last millions of years of human development.

Of course, thought Frank; football was just about winning a limited timed game with certain rules that were suppose to govern the player’s actions, even if mistakes did take happen. Similarly, the laws of the state are supposed to govern how people act, but never means that they intend to perform their daily actions by obeying the state’s laws and social and cultural customs. Some people decide their course of action before the game begins, while other kinds of people decide their course of action during the game, because they have not decided what part of their brains they will use in every situation.

When football players are in the public arena, they are similar to politicians, but only in the sense that they have to make their particular fans happy; one with a football, the other with economic and legal decisions. Frank realized that many non-gambling fans obtain enjoyment when their wins, and they feel sad or sorrow when their teams loses a game, especially a big game. Yet, these same fans might not care a twinkle’s in their eye about what their local, state, and federal politicians are doing with the tax payers money behind closed doors. As Frank sat back in his nice leather chair, he wondered how many politicians really cared about football, except for their tax contributions.

Frank always paid his taxes on time, just as he remembered how most of the fans also paid taxes to their local, state, and federal governments. Frank also realized that most of the local, state, and federal politicians wanted all of the major sports games like football to continue with their mindless activities because even working mindless human animals paid taxes and then they would pay even more taxes when they bought football tickets, football food, football clothes, football beer, and so on, so on, so on. Frank the ex-football player began his study of economics and finance when he entered the university to study the mind.

Some people never really studied how the mind operates in the economic and finance fields. Of course there were courses on economics and finance and then again, there were college courses on psychology, on how the mind either does not care or does care about learning about money in both the personal and business and governmental and sports fields. How the human animal brain will spend thousands of hard worked for dollars on sports games instead of saving up those dollars by putting them into a ROTH retirement plan for their retirement. Most of them did not plan for their financial future, but they planned to see their favorite football team win their games for their team’s financial future. Frank knew that there was a lot wrong with the way gangs and groups of people thought about money and their financial future, along with separating the two.

Frank smiled to himself as he realized how gangs and other groups of people never thought about the future as individual thought about the future. Many of the same football fans were also church goers who never questioned about God, the universe, and other possibilities because of the mass connected brain concept. As Frank pushed aside some cheese crackers, he wondered what would happen if there was no mass thinking, just a lot of individual thinkers doing whatever they wanted to think and do? And then, Frank realized that when millions and billions of people lived together, there had to be some mass thinking like when they obeyed the laws of the land; no matter where that land was located. During a television commercial, Frank stood up to step out side to get a breath of fresh air.

Frank opened the front door to his house, to breathe in some fresh air when he noticed a boy riding a bike down the street. The boy’s bike ran into some broken glass when all of a sudden, he became to fall towards the ground. The boy did not have a bike helmet on his head; but still, all Frank could do was watch the boy and himself fall towards the ground. Frank’s mind rolled over to when he was a young man, who was not wearing a football helmet. Frank was hit from behind, under his knee as another player running, rushed into his chest from the front. Frank, being clipped as he held the football close to his body, recalled how his body and his head spun out of control, except as a faster and faster spin as he blanked out before his head hit the cold, frozen ground.

How fast is fast when you can not see your own body spinning in an arch, towards the frozen cement like ground, just as the air is being knocked out of you, and as another two hundred mass of muscle and bones is powerfully forcing your body and head to smack the ice cement even faster and harder than if you were just spinning by yourself; like an ice skater who spins but who falls down towards the ice, yet in some control of her body even as that body lands on the ice. The ice skater is not faced with a two hundred pound body hitting her behind her knee, while at the same time, another two hundred body is hitting her in the chest. Under that situation, even an ballet like ice skater could not stop from being out of control as the spinning became faster and faster until the final moment of impact.

When the bodies had jumped away from the unconscious Frank, he laid there motionless, until he semi-woke up to only feel his body as in a deep dream, seeing a patch of gray instead of blue skies and green grass. A normal breathing body was hindered from any sense of breathing because Frank’s breathing had stopped, though somehow, he was still automatically alive for the moment. Frank remembered how he felt his two hundred body as it just laid on the ground as his mind tried to control something, if not itself. Frank sensed a hint of a breathe as he could out his coach’s name, but even Frank could not hear his own voice. Frank noticed how he was somehow focusing more on his inner awareness to find that inner strength to snap out of a semi-conscious state to a state where as least he could talk to others. He heard his coach running to him as he seemed to be as frozen as the frozen ground.

Frank did not want to die, but he felt as if he had died, more than being semi-alive enough just to feel like he was dead again. Frank chuckled to himself as he recalled how different it was to be unconscious or unaware of anything, compared to being aware of an inner self, along with a dead body, or a body semi-breathing, yet between death and life. On the other hand, when he was laying there, there were different states of being and non-being all at once. First, semi-conscious of being just aware enough to know one is aware, and then a little more aware to be aware of the helpless, un-breathing body, and then a little more aware to be just aware enough of the body to know that Frank had to move his lips to utter the word, "HELP!" even as less than the softest whisper.

And then a little more aware to know that yelling the word HELP less than a whisper was not going to save him, so he tried to yell louder, and louder, and louder, just enough when finally help did arrive. But then there was a little more awareness that tried to move his body and legs and even his inner thinking. But then, when the body did move, the expanding pain spread throughout his awareness of the body that he had called himself. But moving the painful body was better than lying there dying, so Frank forced himself to stand up and stood next to his football teammates and coach who had rushed over to help him. Frank, semi-aware of his surroundings, was more aware of the pain that ran through every nerve of his body, forcing Frank to not run, but to drop to the floor as fast as he could lay down.

Dropping to the floor, Frank recalled how he lost his breath again, lost his awareness, out cold. His airless body floated up away from his skin and bones body. Flying free as a featherless bird, Frank looked down on the football field and over the other football players. It seemed really natural to just be flying free, like flying in a night dream. But as he looked down upon his lifeless body, he noticed a doctor putting a needle in his arm, and then bam!-a speedy entrance back into the body, even as he felt a bit funny from whatever that drug was, Frank remembered how fuzzy his brain was feeling, but he was now back inside his unmoveable body, which was lying in a hospital bed.

Frank ran out the door to the boy, and he asked him if he was ok. The boy did not hit his head, just a few scratches here and there. "You will be ok, kid. What ever does not kill you will only make you stronger." The boy curiously looked at Frank, and said, "I am ok. I am going home." Frank yell to the boy as he rode off, "Have your parents buy you a bike helmet." "The boy shook his head yes." and rode off.

Frank walked back inside his house, knowing that he missed the halftime show. Instead, he traveled back into a different time, to a different person, with a different perspective. As Frank calmly sat down in his, he noticed as did millions of other football fans the third quarter begin. The football was kicked high over to the other side, a runner ran as far as he could before being tackled by another football player. All seemed well and good as the team’s quarterback threw the football into the air, a nice throw into the arms of a catcher who made a touchdown; until the other team’s player knocked into the quarterback by slamming his arm into the chest as another defense team member was running low into the back of the quarterback’s knee.

Frank rose up as did many other football watcher’s. Sure, the quarterback was down, but not because his head hit the frozen ground, as his helmet had protected his head. But nevertheless, his knees were taken out for at least the rest of this game. After they knew the quarterback as ok, that means not brain dead, Frank calmly sat down as did many thousands of other football players. A backup quarterback ran onto the football field, as he buckled his helmet onto his head. Frank the ex-football player stated out loud, "The show must go on, as does life!"

Maddie the Monk

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ##5 Maddie the Monk; (see note on bottom of #5)

By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain + Mind

Maddie the Monk sat alone, on a large cold rock, located on the edge of a inlet of a large lake, in a tensely populated forest of redwood and pine trees, from a mile or so distance from the monastery from which she then live, worked, studied, and thought about God and the many different universes of Life. Maddie sat alone to ponder to remember the past, to think about the present moment, and to wonder about the future, both for herself and for all mankind. Maddie the Monk sat as a gray haired old lady, but her spirit was that of a young child who had been reborn into and by her new life of long ago, along with her ageless and timeless soul which reflected her individual being as a spiritual thought of an Infinite God. Maddie the Monk curiously starred into the white glare of the fish’s eyes for the first time, just as she had starred into the white spots in the dark sky late at night.

Worldly Maddie never bothered to stare into the sky’s white spots, late in the night because she was to busy dancing the night away to band or jazz music, or she was to busy sweating and moaning underneath a sweating male lover, or she was to busy drinking wine as she talked about the stock market or discussing international politics. Worldly Maddie stepped into the world every morning with a dry cleaned dress or suit, polished shoes in one color or another, her blond hair shiny from the best hair shampoos, and she carried an expensive briefcase with her paperwork in it. Busy, busy, busy, with hard work and hard playtime. Little sleep for dreams of flying to other realms.

Maddie the Monk sat still near the water’s edge, wondering what the first humans must have thought about water and those creatures in them. Maddie the Monk tried to envision the human forms trying to talk to each other with primitive sounds, as they pointed to the creatures in the water below, swimming around like the birds that fly in the sky. Then they probably pointed up to the sky and tried to talk about the birds as they tried to survive day to day. The old cave people trying to survive day to day, just as Worldly Maddie tried to survive day to day, among so many other worldly people. Worldly Maddie loved being a big shot in the field of biogenesis, the hypothesis that living matter arises only from other living matter, or the synthesis of substances by living organisms.

Maddie the Monk now knew better, because she saw the bigger picture as a cosmic observer compared to being a miro-observer who only starred down a microscope all day long. As Maddie the Monk, Maddie had began to observe the universe from many different points of view or frames of reference. Maddie the Monk looked down onto the fish who was starring back, and Maddie the Monk saw a fish of many different levels. Maddie the Monk’s eyes saw the meat and bones fish, her scientific mind saw the DNA part of the fish and the brain inside the fish, and then the metaphysical mind of Maddie the Monk saw the consciousness of the fish, and even the spiritual selfhood side of the fish. Maddie the Monk no longer saw the fish that she used to eat in fancy restaurants after a long day at her office.

Maddie the Monk wondered how the Worldly Maddie had never given thanks for the fish she was about to eat in those fancy restaurants. Maddie the Monk realized that most people actually look upon the lifeless and seemingly simple fish that they are about to eat with some sort of contempt, as if humans were better than the fish. On some level, humans of course had evolved into higher life forms, but some scientists believed that the human race had began their accent skyward by first jumping out of the water, by the first fish that grew tiny legs and lungs when they first walked the earth as lizards and other reptiles. Strange how some and all fish never evolved, as if some were meant to stay behind to be just fish food for other creatures, just as some humans never evolved into higher life forms above and beyond the worldly humans that kept the earth populated with humans, evolving or devolving whatever the case may be.

Even so, when the Worldly Maddie looked into the eyes of a single fish or even a group of fish, she only saw a material creature with no soul, unconnected to the world or the universe, even though that same fish might end up in her tummy, thereby becoming one with her, even though it was dead, yet feeding her with fishy proteins and stuff. Now, every time Maddie the Monk looks into the eyes of any fish, she sees a creature with at one with its own universe and in some connected to the whole universe, a creature with an invisible connection to life, somehow.

As Maddie the Monk sat on the rock, looking into the eyes of that single fish, she thought to herself that maybe when the fish looked into the eyes of each human it ever saw, that the fish saw a soul within each human being that he saw. Maybe Maddie the Monk was the first human that first fish ever saw, so what would it see within the soul of Maddie the Monk. Would the fish see the Maddie the Monk and part of the old Worldly Maddie, or just transformed Maddie the Monk. Even Maddie the Monk remembered some of her old days as Worldly Maddie.

Once in a lonely moment, Maddie the Monk’s mind would revert back, some might state descend, back to her old consciousness where her body was more important the her soul, where her disconnected selfish mind was seemingly separated from the universe, not to mention multi-universes, but after a few memories of sexual love, or of dancing to passionate music, or even watching movies of afar places and times located either in the past or even in the future, or of drinking fine wine, enough to carry a mental buzz around as she walked through the city.

Now, Maddie the Monk had long ago learned to try away from the every changing clothes of fashion for a simple red robe, with golden yellow fishes and white flying birds embroidered onto the red robe, with a blue stripes on the yellow fish. The fish represented life in the lower level called water and the white flying birds represented the higher life in the sky. Next to the fishes and birds were multi-colored angels with silver wings. The angels represented those creatures which we can not see, but who we know are all around us. Maddie the Monk learned that turning to higher ideals such as living in peace was far better, even as a single human, than living for war. Maddie the Monk felt sorry for all of the soldiers the world over who were living each day just to kill or be killed. Their souls must have to carry the burden of memories of soldiers killing either to survive in a war, or to kill for governmental people who mostly never saw a gun, not to mention a dead soldier’s blood and guts on the battlefield.

Even Worldly Maddie did not like the concept of killing, even for self-defense, but she had been trained in various martial arts because of the dangerous places and late night hours that she would sometimes attend. Maddie the Monk remembered how the Worldly Maddie once attended a funeral for a friend who was kill in some way. Maddie the Monk remembered how the Worldly Maddie wondered about her friend’s soul and where did it go if there was an after life. But when Maddie the Monk remembered how Worldly Maddie had almost permanently escaped from her earthly body, she just knew that even worldly people might have a chance at an afterlife, but maybe not, for she did not know all of the answers.

Maddie the Monk thought that maybe even dying soldiers unexpectedly experienced the afterlife when their last breathes were being extinguished. But what would they think then? Maybe that they had spent their whole lives learning how to kill people when in fact all dead people leave one realm to go to another realm, even as some people still on earth had learned before they had given up their last breath.

As Maddie the Monk looked into the fish’s eyes, she begin to wonder if the fish’s soul goes to some kind of fish afterlife, even one that human people can not see. The fish seemed to blink at Maddie the Monk, as if it was minding reading Maddie the Monk’s mind. A mind reading fish who starred back at Maddie the Monk. Maybe the fish received fishy thoughts from fishy angels, thought Maddie the Monk. Maddie the Monk then looked up to the sky, to see a few big black birds flying overhead.

Maddie the Monk began to compare the different realms of water and air and the airless afterlife she experienced. The fish float through the water, the birds fly through the air, and seemingly dead people cruse through the airless afterlife, to go wherever they go once they are totally free of earth’s bounds.

The fish might see the human creatures who looked at them, but the fish may also see the birds flying above the human creatures. Can the fish wonder about life beyond its own water realm. Maddie the Monk could look into the fish’s life in the water, just as she could look up to the birds and even beyond to the night stars? Can Maddie the Monk wonder about life beyond her realm of earthly life? The birds fly above the earth, as they look down upon the humans life and the fish’s water life. Can the birds wonder about other possibilities of flight, flight beyond their feather flight?

Maddie the Monk prayed over such possibilities, and sometimes, in the stillness and quietness of the night, she would hear and see the voices from far beyond the earth. Once Maddie the Monk realized that when Worldly Maddie had escaped her body to travel beyond this space-time zone, both Worldly Maddie and Maddie the Monk began to mentally connect to other realms beyond earth’s space-time zone. Worldly Maddie transformed into Maddie the Monk to leave behind all of the unbelievers so she could begin to transform her mind from the world’s concept of life, to a more peaceful concept of life. Worldly Maddie became Maddie the Monk just so she could live in total silence, just to tune into other realms which Worldly Maddie had started to believe where all around her, in one form or another form.

As Maddie the Monk sat next to the water’s edge, Maddie the Monk thought to herself, that if other less advanced human creatures had escaped their bodies after their earthly death, they then knew something about life after life. But if these same individuals wanted to communicate to time advanced earth dwellers who understood the multi-dimensional aspects of the whole universe; so Worldly Maddie had changed her goals in life from making a ton of money, and having sex, and drinking wine, and watching movies, to leave all of that behind do develop Maddie the Monk’s mental energy and skills to higher goals in life, before another life overtook her.

Worldly Maddie reasoned that it would be cool to prove that there was no death before she died, so she would know that she did not die, even though the humans that were looking on her lifeless body would probably not believe that either the Worldly Maddie or the Monk Maddie was still alive in another realm, beyond most earthling’s limited mental concept of life. Maddie the Monk also knew that a few earthlings had began to understand the mental nature of the universe, and that all communicate on a higher level was all mental, even if machines were needed to transform words into wire particles and the back to words.

Maddie the Monk looked up into the sky and through the sky as her mind drifted pass the visions of blue sky, to the other realm past the blue sky; the realm which is there, but not there simultaneously. And all of a sudden, Maddie the Monk’s human soul creature left the her body, just as her body kept on breathing and thinking automatically, just as she floated up and above the tree tops to fly with the seagulls and eagles and other birds. She then floated past the clouds, past even the moon, past the sun, and far into the universe which seems to be solid matter. And for and instant, Maddie the Space Traveler seem to tough another invisible creature in the airless universe.

Maddie the Space Traveler then found herself back into Maddie the Monk’s body, looking at the fish’s eyes. The fish quickly swam up to the lake’s surface and jumped out of the water to splash Maddie the Monk with water. The fish splashed back into the water, did a u-turn to stare back into Maddie the Monk’s eyes. Somehow, the fish and Maddie the Monk became a single creature of the multi-dimensional universe. Jumping into and back again seemed to be a trick of the cosmic travelers trade or bag of tricks.

Though Maddie the Monk starred back up to the sky, she was glad to feel her hungry tummy. Instead of eating fish, she remembered the fruit back at the monastery where she lived, ate, slept, and prayed. As Maddie the Monk stood up to walk the dirt path back to the monastery, she looked at the fish and smiled. The fish again jumped out of the water and splash back into the water, but as Maddie the Monk walked away, she somehow knew that her new fish friend would still be there tomorrow, for more adventures of cosmic communication.

(PS.) This is the second story of Maddie the Monk. The first story was deleted by mistake.)

Pretty Peggy the Parrot

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ##4 Pretty Peggy the Parrot

By: Mr. George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain + Mind

Kyle sat in his backyard as he read a book on the Bible. A Saturday morning seemed to be a good day to read a book on the Bible, as is any other day; if you are reading the correct book. This book was on the first book on Genesis, written by John W. Doorly; a very smart man. In any case, Kyle had just read a paragraph about how the whole universe is just a state of consciousness, along with effects of that statement. Out of no where, Kyle had a thought pop into his mind, "Go find that green, classy parakeet." But not really a thought, more like a sense picture of a Saturday when he had seen a bird seller who sold birds in a pet store’s parking lot. The owner had a parrot for $500., which Kyle thought was cool, but Kyle also thought to himself that he would never spend $500 for a parrot.

But he would spend $25 on a small green parakeet. He had seen a green parakeet in another pet store a few weeks ago, but when he went back to buy it, a boy who had saved his money for the green bird, so he had bought it. Kyle thought that the green parakeet seemed to have more class than the yellow parakeet or the blue parakeet, or the white parakeet that he had bought, but which he lost by different means. The blue parakeet had a big personality, but it had found a way out of the cage, so once outside the cage, it flew to a tree’s branch, looked upon Kyle as if to say its last good byes, and it flew away to a higher tree. That tree was so high that once that blue parakeet had reached its branches, it looked down onto the earth with a new set of eyes. It must have known that it was never going back into that cage.

The white parakeet was swooped up by a bigger bird who was really hungry and the yellow bird was drowned because it was really sick and Kyle could not bear to see it suffer. Instead, Kyle looked into its eyes as it dyed under the water. Kyle did not like looking into the eyes of that yellow parakeet while it dyed because he can still see those eyes staring back at him. Still not good!

As he sat in his backyard, he pondered what he had learned from the three tiny birds called parakeets. He had to clean up after them, and he had to feed them, and maybe more importantly, he had learned how to communicate with the little birds, even as little as he could because they were still little birds, but creatures of the flying world nevertheless. So, maybe one more color just for the fun of it.

Kyle stood up and grabbed his wallet and cell phone and popped a black driver’s hat onto his partly balding head, sunglasses too. As he drove down the street to the bird seller’s parking lot, he noticed a regular pet store, but he kept driving anyway. When he reached the bird sellers parking lot, all he saw was an empty parking lot. Where was the bird seller? The lady inside the pet store said that the bird seller sells birds in the parking lot every so often and not on a regular basis. Now what? though Kyle, as he drove back towards his home. But then he remembered the normal pet store not even five minutes from his house.

Walking into the chain pet store, Kyle noticed all of the signs that hung down from the ceiling. Dogs. Cats. Birds. And other stuff. Walking into the glass enclosed section for only birds of all sorts, Kyle got a sense that noisy chaos seemed to rule over the steel bars that made up all of the cages that imprisoned small birds, big birds, and even medium birds. Like every other pet and bird store, the birds all hung out by perching on their plastic branches and making noise and being normal caged birds. Even the loners would just hang out, hoping for an interested buyer who would take them away from all of the little bird’s chirping. But one bird stood out from among the rest.

Kyle noticed the green, but somewhat ruffled feathers, on a bird that stood as proud as a bird that Kyle had even seen, even in a movie. The lady employee who stood by watching the energetic green parrot told Kyle that the parrots name was Peggy. Peggy's head looked just like a hawk’s head, only made for a parrot, with kinder eyes especially when Peggy knew that she had to behave for a possible new owner, a new master, a new friend. Kyle poked his finger out to Peggy and Peggy poked out her one claw and then the other claw to grab hold of Kyle’s finger, and then Peggy slipped herself up the length of Kyle’s black sweat jacket covered arm, all the way up to his shoulder. What a surprise that was for Kyle, who was not sure what to do next. Peggy chewed off a metal air ring off of Kyle’s black hat and when Kyle noticed that metal ring in Peggy beak, Kyle said, "Oh Peggy, give that back to me." as he pulled it out of Peggy's beak.

The lady was so impressed that she walked out of the bird section and came back with the guy manager of the store. He said that he wanted to give Peggy a good home because Peggy was a mistaken bird that sent to the store instead of another bird. He would let Peggy go for only $1000, instead of the sales price of $1500, while the normal price was $2500. Kyle stood there, in front of the manager and the lady employee and Peggy and all of the noisy birds wondering what kind of offer was that, A Thousand Dollars! For a Parrot!

The managers eyes begged for a positive yes, but Kyle stated that he would think about it after he did some research on the Peggy. Kyle returned home, only to do a web search on Peggy. Kyle found some information about, but not much. So Kyle went back for four days in a row just to watch how Peggy's acted with other people. Kyle learned a lot just by watching Peggy and other people. Kyle learned that Peggy was a sweet bird to people who let her stand on her shoulders, but when a certain male employee grabbed Peggy with both and hands and roughed her up, Peggy would try and sometimes did bite the moron employee.

He was always mad at Peggy for biting him, but Kyle noticed how Peggy never bit people who treated her like the smart and classy parrot that she knew she was, even in a pet store. Four days later, Kyle paid the $1000 for Sue and he even bought a new cage with bird toys and bird food. The employees helped Kyle put all of the stuff in his small car, while they put Peggy in a small brown cardboard box. Less than five minutes later, Kyle drove the car into the garage, took out he cage and set everything up. And then something really special happened, for both Kyle and Peggy. Kyle took the box from the car and walked through the house to the backyard, he opened the backyard kitchen door, and he opened the small brown box to let Peggy out of the box. Peggy climbed out of the box to see the blue sky for the very first time in her life!

As Peggy grabbed Kyle’s finger, Peggy stared up towards the clear blue sky as Kyle stared at Peggy. Kyle looked into Peggy’s eyes as Peggy's eyes looked up to where other birds, like the white flying seagulls were doing what Peggy wished she could do. Maybe Peggy did not want to fly away as soon as that, but Kyle knew that her bird mind was still a bird mind, even if her wings were clipped to prevent her from flying. Kyle wondered what Peggy was wondering about as she saw the blue sky for the very first time since she was born. He realized that Peggy’s eyes had never seen beyond the white painted room’s walls. Her poor parrot mind must have known that something was wrong, even if she did not know what was causing her mind to know that there had to be something more beyond the pet store walls, even if she did not know what that something was. But now Peggy knew what was located beyond the white walls.

For Peggy the Parrot, a whole new world, a whole new universe. And a new friend named Kyle. For Kyle, a new friend named Peggy. Peggy looked up at the blue sky, Kyle also looked up. He realized that in one sense, they both saw the same blue sky with all of the different birds flying high near the clouds and some birds were flying low near the ground. Kyle also realized that he did not know what the blue sky with all of the flying birds meant to Peggy because she seemed to be in a state of wonderment. She saw birds flying so high in the sky for the first time, that Kyle thought that Peggy now knew what she had been missing, even though she was feeling the inner urge to fly. Now that she saw other birds flying, she must have become aware of her own possibility of high cloud flight. Kyle thought that maybe Peggy was now wondering if she too could one day fly high in the sky with the other natural birds of nature, but hopefully she was just currently happy in her new universe. How would Peggy change, thought Kyle?

When Kyle saw Peggy not looking up or really at anything on the ground, Kyle then realized that Peggy inner ears were focusing on sounds that she had never heard before. Kyle started to practice listening to all of the sounds around him, just to find out if he could hear what his new friend was listening for the first time. First, there were the other birds that hid in the branches of the trees, chirping and making all kind of noises, but then there was the sounds of cars, trains, children laughing and playing, dogs barking, the tv’s people taking, even the sound of silence as there were no more caged birds to be forcefully listening at almost twenty four hours a day.

Of course, Peggy the Parrot was free from the chaos, but Kyle now owned a new sense of parrot responsibility. Even as sue was learning about Kyle’s universe, Kyle had began to learn about Peggy's universe. In other words, what did Peggy like to eat and of course, what kind of music would Peggy like to listen to during the daytime, not to mention tv viewing for Peggy.

Kyle all of a sudden had created a list of dreams for his new friend to experience in order for Peggy to become a super parrot of all the parrots. Kyle became dreaming up new ways to make Peggy smarter than even Peggy could imagine. After letting Peggy stare up at the sky, Kyle’s fingers and arm became a bit tired, so he pointed his finger towards the cage and Peggy instinctively knew to step onto the wooden tree branch, but Kyle realized that he and Peggy would have to learn to communicate with each other in different kinds of communicational forms, so they would understand what the other wanted, needed, and even demanded. After some time, Kyle saw an inner mental image of when Peggy was going to take a poop, and a few seconds later, Peggy would indeed poop.

Kyle soon thereafter understood that he could tune into the mind of Peggy and he wondered if Peggy could tune into his mind and even other people’s mind. Was Peggy a mind reading parrot?, wondered Kyle. An idea popped into the mind of Kyle. If Peggy's ears were focusing in on all of the sounds around them, more than any human could, what would happen if Peggy was to listen to all of the different kinds of classical music and even new age music? Kyle was having fun with all of these new ideas to help Peggy with her new mental development. Kyle bought a small stereo that could play the radio and CDs and even old fashion tapes. Kyle even bought some parrot teaching tapes to help Peggy learn new humans words and phrases. When Kyle played these parrot teaching tape, Peggy did not seem impressed with them, almost like she was insulted by the dull repetitive nature of human words. What would she even need them for anyway? though Kyle.

As Kyle set up the new stereo for Peggy, Kyle noticed Peggy was watching his every move, almost as if she was wondering what was the purpose of the new object. After the stereo was all set up, Peggy seem to act more curious than even, until Kyle hit the on button after slipping a classical cd into the player. The soft flute music must have been heaven to Peggy ears. She even seemed to smile, and then relax, especially now that she knew what the magical box was going to do for her. The magical box would send beautiful sound waves to Peggy and she knew that Kyle was becoming her best pal in the whole world. Kyle took pleasure in playing new music for Peggy.

Mozart, Chopin, Bach, the violin, the flute, the piano, the new age music; Peggy love it all.
One day, Kyle stuck out his finger for Peggy to climb on, and so Peggy did climb onto his finger, even as she never knew what Kyle had planned for Peggy. Kyle had bought a wooden bird stand for Peggy to stand on when she watched the television. Though of course, the first time Kyle put Peggy down on the new wooden bird stand for tv, Peggy had no idea what Kyle was planning to do with her. As Peggy stood still on the wood stick, she just gave Kyle and the television a strange look until the moment Kyle turned on the television. Now, Peggy stared only at the television, while Kyle watched Peggy glare into at the moving pictures. Kyle wondered what Peggy was wondering about as she watched the television for the first time.

Peggy’s eyes saw things and even life different than Kyle’s eyes, so Kyle could only guess that Peggy was having fun watching her first television show, which was Sesame Street. For some reason, Kyle thought she would like the sounds because she probably had the mind of child and since children like Sesame Street, his child like parrot would also like the moving colors, the moving colorful characters, who all had their particular vocal sounds; and that is not to mention the background music. Kyle guessed to himself that the Sesame Street producers would have never guessed that a smart parrot named Peggy would be learning about human life and Sesame Street life. After a few weeks, Kyle realized that Peggy wanted to watch Sesame Street in the winter months. In the summer months, all Peggy wanted to do was hang out either on her kitchen cage top or on the huge Y shaped tree branch in the back garden.
Peggy just loved that garden Y tree branch.

The bottom part of the Y was stuck in the ground, while the top part of the Y had a wooden branch tied across it for Peggy to walk back and forth when she needed the exercise. The funny thing about that backyard garden is all of the action that would either creep up to her, or maybe fly in from the sky to her. The one thing that surprised Peggy one day was a huge red with yellow spotted butterfly. Kyle noticed how Peggy tilted her head back and just starred at the silent flying butterfly. The butterfly settled on a bushes’s green leave and it just rested from its own uneven flight. Peggy looked like she wondered what kind of flying creature was the butterfly and where did it come from, or so thought Kyle. A silent flying creature compared to the normal flying creature that Peggy was used to seeing outside of her window and even when she stood on the Y in the garden.

The very fast and noisy hummingbird had become a garden favorite because Kyle had hung six or seven humming bird feeders around his house. Because the hummingbirds could fly as still in the air as a helicopter, they would sometimes fly very close to Peggy’s head and just hover in the air, as their eyes would meet, small bird to big bird. Kyle thought to himself that even though they could not speak the same language, that somehow they were friends anyway. Bird friends! One bird flying up to another bird who could not fly, and they spoke some kind of silent language as they starred each other in their eyes. Kyle could not even guess what they might be saying to each other through the air that seem to separate their little bird brains which had a sense of flight life that most humans could not even dream of; while those humans who did fly in their dreams only had a sense of the speed and freedom of the hummingbird. Maybe the hummingbird sent a wish to Peggy that maybe one day she too would be able to fly like the seagulls and hawks, but not quite as fast as the speedy hummingbird. The hummingbird would then fly away, leaving the hypnotized Peggy un-hypnotized so she could again relate to the world around her, and to Kyle too.

Other creature would enter the garden area, but some of these creatures were could be very dangerous to birds, mainly because they wanted to eat the birds. When certain cats entered the yard, either through a hole or by jumping over the six feet fence, even Kyle would run outside to chase away the cats, but even Kyle knew that he could only hope that Peggy would not try to run and hide if she was attacked by a cat, but that she would take her very sharp feet and beak and cut into the skin of the cat. Kyle had hoped that if he was ever caught off guard, that Peggy would somehow manage to find the survival instinct inside her to defend herself from any creature like a hungry cat. Lucky for Peggy and Kyle, no cat, big or small attacked Peggy. Kyle was told that most cats will not attack a big parrot because somehow the cats know that big parrots have sharp beak and feet that could cut into the cat faster than a cat would realize. Still, they both knew that the danger was always there, lingering on the other side of the fence, or in a tree.

So most of the time, Kyle would babysit Peggy by sitting outside in the backyard so he could keep his eye on her, his parrot friend. But in truth, she was also keeping her eyes on him. As she stood on the wooden branch of one kind or another, Kyle would usually bring her some kind of fruit, like a black grape, which was her favorite. Kyle sometimes thought that Peggy was sending him a wish thought, though not really sending the wish thought as just thinking it, and then somehow Kyle would respond to her wish, even if he did not know Peggy had made a wish for a black juicy grape. When Peggy would see Kyle arriving with the black grape in his hand, she would prepare her sharp beak to grab the grape between her beak and then she would take her feet and hold the grape as she ate the black grape. A connection was always made from the grape exchange from human fingers to a parrot’s beak, from a human mind to a parrot mind.

Peggy liked to stare up into the huge trees in other yards that surrounded Kyle’s yard. Kyle sensed that Peggy was listening to the sounds from the trees more than just looking at the sounds of the trees. Kyle wondered what Peggy thought about all of those sounds, and even when she heard the sounds of an alarming fire truck or a police car’s siren. Was she afraid or just curious about the distance sounds that seemed to travel from one side of the yard to the other side of the yard? Kyle also wondered if Peggy could hear his mind when he thought about her because Kyle just knew by experience that he could hear her mind, even when he did not realize it at the time.

Kyle had read a few books on how a few humans would learn how to listen deep within their own minds to hear if they were picking up what their pets were thinking and feeling. Kyle usually rode a mountain bike to beautiful lake called Angel Lake. He knew that Peggy would see him get dressed for the trip and she would even watch as he rode away from the house. One day, Kyle bought a bird cage that would fit exactly into the backseat of the car. Kyle just had the urge to point his finger towards Peggy, let her pluck herself onto his finger, and walk her to the new bird cage in the car. And just like some magical clockwork, Peggy knew enough to hop off his finger onto the wooden branch in the car’s bird cage. At first, she stared at Kyle, but then she started to look at the other cars and sort of smile at Kyle for taking her along with him. The smile was in her eyes, like an invisible gleam of joy, from one soul to another soul.

Once they had reached Angel Lake, Kyle opened the car’s door and then the bird cage only to find Peggy so excited to climb onto his finger to go for a walk. Kyle saw her discover Angel Lake for the first time. Angel Lake was a manmade lake, but the water in the lake was a very small part of Angel Lake. There was more life around Angel Lake than the fish in the lake, it seemed to Kyle. Peggy’s knew she could not fly, just yet anyway, off of his finger, so she just stood still. Peggy looked all around the life at Angel Lake. She noticed the ducks, the geese, the seagulls, all the different kinds of dogs and people. Some people would walk up to Peggy and Kyle and talk to him about her, or they would just talk to her, while somewhat ignoring Kyle. Those were the bird and parrot people who knew how to communicate to parrots.

The problem arose when Peggy would look at a certain person and mind read them and dislike someone for some reason, a reason that Kyle would not even know about. Kyle had learned to trust Peggy's mind reading ability because sometimes Peggy would just pluck herself onto another parrot person’s finger just as if that person owned Peggy. Peggy was a smart parrot, almost to smart for a parrot or even a parrot. Kyle began to assume that Peggy was a supernatural Parrot from a different realm, which led Kyle to think that he and Peggy were somehow connected in another life, or by some other divine and supernatural reason. Peggy would look up to the sky and stare at the sky as a bird that really wanted to fly; it was in her eyes. Kyle began to feel really sorry for Peggy.

When Peggy would seem to get a bit mad or restless, like a small child, he would take her back to car and she would be happy again; knowing that Kyle knew what she wanted, but also because she knew she was going home. Once home, Kyle would sometimes gently place Peggy in the bathtub, and give her a short and warm bath or shower. After all, when she played in Angel Lake’s sand and dirt and grass, she would get a bit dirty, like a small child and all of that sand, dirt, and grass stuff would have to be washed off her baby. She hated getting a bath or a shower, but she loved being clean. Kyle would sometimes let Peggy stand on the shower’s shower curtain while he was taking a shower and when the time was just perfect, he would shove his finger up to her and she knew that she was going to get a shower whether she liked it or not.

The warm water would flow onto her green feathers, getting her soaking wet, but then Kyle would dry her off with a paper towel and then he would bring her to the backyard’s Y branch where Su would stand in the sun, drying off in on time. The funny thing was when it rained, Sue would just love hanging out in the rain, even poking Kyle’s finger when he could not babysit her anymore. He would usually go back into the house so she would have a second chance at getting a natural rain shower, but after that second chance, he would go out a third time and force her to go inside, for her own good and the good of Kyle.

One day, an idea popped into Kyle’s mind; put a wood tree branch across the mountain bike’s handle bars and place Peggy on the stick and go for a slow ride down the street. Maybe that idea was even from Peggy herself, but Kyle just had to try it; so he did. Kyle admitted that even he was a little scared about trying this new stunt, so he would have to be extra careful. Peggy obeyed his every move, just as she was mind reading Kyle’s mind. Once on the wood stick on t he bike, Kyle so very carefully and slowly started to peddle the mountain bike down the street. Kyle watched Peggy balance herself on the stick, and she looked like she was daydreaming of flying as the wind flew by her body. She was now feeling the wind as if she was flying, but she knew she could not fly like a real hawk or even like a hawk-headed parrot. Kyle began to feel even more sorry for Peggy the Parrot because he now knew that she now somewhat knew what it was like to fly like a real bird, a real flying creature of the skies. One day, Kyle put the bike on the car’s bike rack and he put Peggy into the car’s bird cage and off they drove to Angle Lake.

Once there, they practiced the same routine of setting Peggy on the stick across the handle bars, and off they went. He peddled slowly and she watched the ground under her fly by, along with the trees flying by, with the ducks flying by. Peggy had a gleam in her eyes of a Peggy who was dreaming of flying and in a way, she was flying, even though her wings were clipped, leaving her a flightless parrot.

Kyle felt the joy that Peggy felt when they went on these magical bike trips. They were the talk of the town, in some circles. One day, as they rode around Angel Lake, Kyle noticed a bend in the sidewalk, pointing in a direction they had never gone before. Kyle focused that towards that fork to the right and thought to himself, or so it seemed, maybe we should try it. As soon as Kyle finished the image, Peggy snapped her head back towards him and just starred at Kyle, even as he was still peddling the bike. It was at that moment that Kyle knew that he and Princess was of one Mind, some would call the Mind of God. A sense of oneness between two souls, who were at one with the universe, seen and unseen. Kyle knew they had been friends for some time, but now they were special friends, with a special bond that Kyle hoped would never be broken, in anyway whatsoever. But then Kyle made a mistake.

One day, as they rode around Angel Lake together, Kyle voiced out loud not so much a wish, as a true hope among soul mates. Kyle said to Peggy, "Oh Peggy, if it was possible to let you fly like a real parrot, I would let you fly like a real parrot; but I can not just let you fly way because you are not a wild parrot and you might not survive in the wild. Plus, you might miss the grapes, the television, the classical and new age music. Maybe then I would become a cop or get a job." He peddled onwards, forgetting that real angels were listening to his statement. Angel Lake was called Angel Lake by Kyle because he could sense their presence, and he could even communicate with creatures of other realms, but he also forgot the statement, "Be careful what you wish for because you might just get it."

One day, after Kyle had been painting doors in his house, during a hot summer day, Kyle took Princess out for a ride, on the street to go to Angel Lake. As Kyle cross the street, Peggy became scared and after they had cross the street, Peggy bit down hard into Kyle’s ear. Kyle’s immediate reaction was to throw her off his shoulder because they were both in a danger zone. It happened in seconds. The danger of riding a bike with a parrot biting the ear. The danger of hitting a car. The danger of a car hitting them. The danger of Peggy flying off into a car. The danger of whatever. After everything came to rest, Kyle looked down on his soul mate the parrot and he saw her motionless. She looked up to him and Kyle’s heart began to die within him.

He picked her up and placed her in a bike bag, while a older gentleman told him that they are strong birds, she should be ok. Kyle should have listened to him. Kyle then drove her by car to a emergency veterinarian. She had x-rayed Peggy and she informed Kyle that Peggy had no broken bones; just a little scrape somewhere. She wrapped red tape around Peggy’s feet so she would be forced to rest. But how would Kyle when Peggy was strong enough to stand again. That dumb veterinarian told Kyle that she would be able to stand up when she was strong enough. Kyle’s sense of logic was totally confused, even though she said Peggy would probably be ok. But that veterinarian did not explain everything to Kyle so Kyle could have made a different decision as he took care of her. As he waited outside, Kyle voiced his wish to the Angels, who he knew were watching him and the whole situation. "It is out of your hands now." a voice returned to Kyle.

Kyle took Peggy home, and he followed all of the veterinarian’s instructions to the letter, which Kyle still thinks was a dumb thing to do, even to this day. Because it was night, Kyle placed Peggy into her cage to let her sleep. The next morning, Kyle tried to care for Peggy as much as possible; trying to feed her, giving her water, and letting her rest in a dark room, looking in on her every half an hour. And then a voice entered Kyle’s mind, "You are putting her down." Kyle jumped to his feet, raced to Peggy, who was motionless. "No! No! No!" Yelled Kyle.

He started to cry and then to really cry and then he cried some more.

Kyle got himself together, and prayed. Kyle began to go into a super supernatural state of mind, as he held his parrot off and on for three or four days. He knew the truth about life and the deathless Life that was God, as much as he could in his current state of depressed state of mind. Kyle even asked Jesus for help, and even his own "deceased" spiritual adviser for help. Kyle even prayed to spiritual people whom he had never met humanly. No more voices, just silence. And then in one moment, Kyle placed the lifeless feathered body on the carpeted floor and he look towards Peggy tv stand and he said out loud, "If you want to get back in, go back in. If you do not want to get back in, fly away." Kyle could not believe had calm he was when he was talking to his now invisible buddy.

A minute or two later, Kyle seemed to be out of control. He snapped that featherless body from off the floor, and cut the metal ring off of the dead leg. He walked to the back yard, dug a hole, poured gasoline on the body, and set it on fire. The yellow flames shot up into the air, creating smoke and juts to make it hotter, Kyle kept putting newspapers on the body to make it burn and the flames rose even higher and hotter until Kyle felt finished. What made stop burning that body, he did not know; nor why he even picked up the body in the first place, but he did ask the question. Maybe it was Peggy’s message to him as she looked down on him. When he was done, he put the charcoaled body into a glass bottle, with some plastic toys, and some food and seeds; just as they did in ancient Egypt. Kyle then dug a hole under the tree branch Y in the garden, and he placed the glass bottle in the hole and put the tree branch back into the hole and filled it with dirt. Kyle looked on that Y tree branch knowing that he would never take it down, ever.

Kyle tried to accomplice his everyday events, like finishing his painting job, driving a car, biking to Angle Lake, even taking a shower, etc. But everywhere Kyle went, there was Pretty Peggy the Parrot, somehow looking over his shoulders, even when Kyle started to unexpectedly sob, even as he drove his car down the street. Kyle could not explain these purely emotional outbursts that occurred at any moment whatsoever. He was always caught off guard when some form of emotional waterfalls started to flow from his mind. He sobbed because a part of his life was gone, it was dead, disappeared in the vast universe called cosmic life, but somehow, Kyle knew that life never really died, though it appeared to die from our limited five physical senses; but there was so much more to life than skin and blood and feathers and even eyes and hears of a parrot or even of Kyle.

As Kyle move his body by walking on planet earth, Kyle’s mind was riding a roller coaster between spiritual logic and human emotions, from being happy that his now featherless buddy could fly in realms that Kyle could not even fly through yet to crying like a little child who had lost her mother by a warrior’s bullet. To keep his sanity, to a degree, Kyle kept on painting the kitchen because he had to finish it anyway, but Kyle knew that no matter what he did, that featherless parrot would somehow be either next to him in a featherless form, or at least still part of Kyle’s mind. Kyle felt a bit haunted by the spirt of the now flying parrot, who Kyle thought or at least imagined, was having fun flying around like a real parrot, and yet even better than a regular parrot with feathers.

Kyle knew, through his tears, that somehow, someway, the real spiritual princess was alive and having fun, flying around Kyle had read books of people who had left their bodies, leaving their less material counterpart to travel through walls like a floating bird, so how much faster could a bird who flew through earthly air, fly through the lesser material air of another dimension? Kyle did not know, but he guessed that Princess was moving faster than she ever dreamed possible. Somehow, even Kyle had changed, though he did not know in what way. So one day, after finishing the kitchen’s painting job, he sat in a chair in his backyard. And then a weird bird arrived.

He landed on the top tip of the highest pine tree only in the next yard over from Kyle’s yard.
The bird started squawking just Pretty Peggy the Parrot, but Kyle did not really notice, that is until after a few and probably more minutes, the strange bird just did not stop squawking. It started squawking even louder and faster and soon, Kyle looked up towards the tree top and he realized that the weird looking bird with the loud squawking was starring straight into the eyes of Kyle. Kyle smiled in some sort of wonderment as an inner voice appeared from a lady’s face deep within his consciousness. "This is a special moment." between you two friends.

If Kyle did not know better, it seemed like this bird was actually yelling at him, as it pointed its beak towards the area where she landed on the street. What was Kyle going to do, except listen to this bird squawk until it was finished. Kyle heard his neighbors talking about the mysterious bird and its loud squawking. "We thought his parrot had died!" But Kyle smiled as he knew better. Kyle had taken his eyes off of the bird for a minute and when he looked up, it was gone; but as Kyle starred at the tree’s top, the bird reappeared as it flew towards Angle Lake, as it gave Kyle one last glance, eye to eye from one soul to another soul. Kyle guessed that Pretty Peggy the Parrot was really mad and at the same time, she was happy to be flying like a normal bird. Kyle never did say good-bye, it would not happen because Kyle knew that he would always wish to see Peggy again, somehow, even in the afterlife, which lived if front of his own eyes.

A year or so had gone by, when Kyle received a hint from an angel or two, that Peggy was not featherless. Kyle let it go, but not for long. Kyle started to leave the television on as he had for Peggy, leaving Sesame Street on for his invisible friend to watch. Later, he started to leave the same music on for her to listen to, though Kyle also loved that music, along with some burning incense. He even bought some of her favorite grapes and he would leave one out for her every once in a while. Even as he sat in his backyard chair, he would place some food or a plastic toy on his boat shoes, just as he had everyday for four years.

At night, Kyle would play the same good night music for his little buddy, just as he had when she had feathers, and bones, and blood. Only now, Kyle would sing a little tune to Peggy, the soul he felt was in the bird cage, because even an invisible soul needs rest from flying around the different realms, she probably needed sleep too, and she knew she would always have a home to return to, to rest in safety. Because Kyle believed that his soul friend was still his friend, probably soul friends forever, Kyle would drop the black cover over the her cage and say night after night, "Well, Pretty Peggy the Parrot, wherever you are; how near or how far; good-night and sweet dreams. See you later alligator, see you later alligator!"

Angel Lake

52 Stories in 52 Weeks: 2007 ##3 Angel Lake:

By: George Patnoe Jr.'s Ambidextrous Writing Brain + Mind

Perry once had a dreamy kind of wish, when he once walked up to a Chinese lake with a background of mountains and trees and more importantly, an invisible, yet golden silence which only nature could bring to Perry’s ears. Perry could only have stayed less than a minute, when he heard the words, "Come on Perry, we are not allowed to park here." Perry looked around the park and he noticed that not a single person was in sight. Yet, through the golden silence, Perry made an invisible wish to himself, (yet unknowing also to the unseen angels who heard his wish), ‘That it would be nice to live next to a lake with the golden silence. I wish one day, I will be able to sit next to a lake with this golden silence, which can not be bought with all of the money in the world.’

A second time the call came from someone in the car, "Come on, before we get a ticket." Perry responded, "Why isn’t there any parking spaces here?" But there was no answer as the people in the car did not live here either, even though they did live in China, though hundreds of miles away. Perry turned his head around in the car for one last look at his wish, only to wonderingly wish a wish without a thought or a word in his mind. Then he wondered to himself, ‘What would it be like to sit within the silence of the golden silence of this seemingly magical lake? Maybe one day, after I find another lake with the golden silence, I will be able to happily sit within or next to the golden silence of a lake in America...whenever I feel like it.

Perry never asked to be a millionaire, maybe because becoming a millionaire can sometimes take a lifetime of work, which led Perry to the conclusion that time was more valuable than money, even though Perry realized that money was needed in the world, but not when he was sitting on the edge of a lake with the golden silence. After all, even if Perry was a millionaire, he could not bring a million dollars to the lake’s golden silence and even if he did bring a million dollars to any lake, what could he buy, an ice cream cone and then maybe the lake itself? But even if he had bought the lake, if he sat on the edge of a lake’s water, a million dollars would not enable him to listen to the golden silence, nor would it enable Perry to listen through the golden silence.

Perry entered his home country of America with a subconscious wish, a wish which he had experienced before at an American lake. The first American lake was a very large lake, with five different picnicking areas. Each picnic area had both fine points; like the tall pine trees, a wash room, benches, and even food stands where ice cream and hamburgers are still sold. And maybe more importantly, each picnic area had seagulls. The seagulls flew high in the sky or low over the water, or they might beg for food by raising their peaks up and using their seagull yell to get some attention from people, and to get some people food from people.

Perry remembered how he would sit on a beach bench and just zone out of the world of people and things, even though he of course was physically still in the world of people and things as he sat on the physical beach bench as people walked by with a vanilla or a chocolate ice cream cones or maybe they held a hotdog filled with yellow and red looking liquid plastic. Of course, people’s pets ran around the beach bench or picnic tables or they would run into the water to cool off or maybe they just hung out as they lazy i ly laid in the warm sand.

As Perry sat on the wooden beach bench, he starred out over the lake, or sometimes glazing over to the long horizon, or sometimes glaring up the blue sky and its covering white floating clouds, or sometimes just watching the seagulls flying either low towards the water or flying very high in the sky, so high in the sky that moving dark specks would only be known as seagulls because we know that they are indeed seagulls. But something was and is different over the water than that air over the land of green grass or fields of corn or wheat or sunflowers or even of those mountains that remind the viewer that huge sheets of ice once slowly moved up and down America and all over the worlds solid ground like a slow snail that had no where to go, but just kept moving anyway.

Perry seem to mentally zone into a different realm above the water, compared to that of looking at the green grass, and the trees on the mountains. The water touching the air seem to represent two different realms of life touching each other, living side by side, though each not really knowing the other until a human dived into the water or a fish or whale or dolphin jumped out of the water to take a peek at the creatures of the air. But even then, a fish is not a human, nor is a human a fish, yet they live side by side, one under the other or one above the other.

In the same logic of thinking, Perry sensed that there was life somehow above the water, like the flying seagulls, but yet not the seagulls. Perry sensed a realm that existed through the air above the water, yet also above the air; just as the fish must sense a life beyond and above the water which they can not really see, yet they feel as they look up through the water to the glaring sun rays that dive through the water until night takes over the earth. Perry somehow sensed that maybe there was a realm there which humans can not see with their brains, but somehow can sense with a part of their brains, or minds, a mind separate from the material brain.

If there was a realm through the air, past the air, yet next to the air, then maybe there were creatures in that realm which could peering ly look down upon the earth creatures through the air substance, just as humans can peering ly look down upon the water’s fish. If these creatures could see a human sitting on a beach bench, then they could see Perry sitting there starring with both physical eyes as a material symbol and with zoning into their mind, sense their presence with his mind as a means of telepathic oneness. It was only years later that Perry could state that into a logical structure of words, in a simple fashion which had become very clear to his mind.

But to Perry there was more than a presence of a different realm that stood alive through the air that he could see with his limited brain, there also seemed to be a absolute presence that some might call God. Perry could feel as if this presence was touching his mind just as his mind was touching the presence. He felt that golden silent presence as at that Chinese lake, even though he only stood in front of China’s lively lake image just as he sat in front of America’s lively lake image. A spiritual presence called Love, or was just a state of Perry’s own mind? Or were they one, unlike all of the people who could not see the great act of mental visions and telepathic communication.

The Chinese lake seemed to be a lake from a black and white picture book, a dull place with no animal that Perry could see or even hear. A dreary lake with only the life in the water, if there was indeed life in the water. Perry guessed that life had to be in the water because water meant watery life, even if you could not see the water life. Perry never walked close enough to the lake because they called for him to return to the car. But if he had walked into a Chinese museum and saw the picture for thirty seconds, that picture would still be ingrained into his photographic mind like all the pictures he had ever saw. Strange how some life scenes seem like art scenes while other life scenes seem like supernatural scenes.

Perry remembered the Chinese lake more as a picture from another world, another country; a lake that seem to reflect the mental mood of the country, of the people, of the government, even if that influence was on subconscious level. Could the lake be dreary because the people were dreary or because their government was dreary? If the people were not allowed to enjoy the lake because the Chinese government did not want the Chinese people to enjoy such a lake, maybe the lake sensed this negative attitude towards its life realm, so the lake’s life had no reason to glow and shine like the light of the sun. The lake reflected the mind of the people.

When Perry returned to America, he moved from a very small apartment to a house. Later, he had learned that a lake was located within walking and biking distance from his newly bought house. Perry once went for a night time bike ride, which soon thereafter led him to the sunless lake. Of course, the moon’s whiteness moved overhead, like a huge earth night light which gave light to all night creatures, and even to the day creatures as a reminder that even when darkness covered the land, the big cosmic creator somehow remembered to give a big candle less ball that glowed white light onto the earth so even the night creatures had a light for the night.

Perry began to ride around the lake’s sidewalk, taking in the sounds and shadows around him. So many shadows of trees and moving shadows of ducks and geese and seagulls who floated on the lake when every once in a while one duck or one geese would voiced a single duck or geese sound as if they had awaken from a bad dream. Perry wondered if ducks and geese and the seagulls dreamed dreams of flying higher and faster than they normally could or maybe they dreamed of eating huge meals until their tummies were full and happy. Maybe once in a while, they dreamed of being like the humans who feed them bread at the water’s edge during the day time. Could the ducks and the geese and the seagulls and other birds wish to be more human while the humans who fed them wished to be more like the flying creatures of the sky?

The lake’s cement path was lit up by the bike light and by the moon’s light, but not enough to enlighten the mind with all of nature’s colors. That is the way it was and that is the way it probably was meant to be for planet earth. Even the night wind seemed a bit different than the day wind. The lake’s night’s winds ghosted itself upon the face as if to remind Perry that maybe real ghosts were watching over him in the night air. Perry had never seen a night or even a day ghost, but there was always a first time for everything, so Perry peered out over the shiny night lake looking for a ghost or two; yet none was to be seen by Perry. Perry thought that maybe a certain kind of mind had be developed to see or spot a moving ghost, just like a certain kind of mind seemed to see angels and other supernatural creatures during the daytime.

One complete ride around the night lake so that Perry could return home as he could not wait to return to the day lake the next day. Perry had began to realize that as a grown up, material gifts meant less and less because mainly, he had everything he mainly needed and wanted; And those he did not have own, he could either buy in a store or obtain in some other fashion. But how does a person buy a lake, no matter how much money you have, especially if Perry did not want to live on the lake, as his parents had in New York because of all the work and up keep it takes to take care of the lake property. Perry just wanted a lake that he could either walk to or bike to so he could enjoy the magical pleasures of the lake, and then return home.

The next day, Perry awoke with only one simple goal in his mind, to mountain bike ride to the Angel Lake. The lake is not really called Angel Lake, just as none of the lakes in the world were probably not called Angel Lake. But Perry felt the presence of another realm when he sat at a body of water the size of a lake; so he always felt that that presence was the presence of another universe of creatures that were either angels or at least more angelic than most simple humans.

Perry rode into the lake from the street, just as if he never been there the night before because Perry saw the whole lake as a new lake, with a hot sun that brighten up all of the colorful brown trees, and the green grasses, and the mainly white seagulls, and the ever blue changing into green lake, and back to blue again. Then there was the off white cement sidewalk, which people who wore colorful clothes from all around the world. Then there were the different colored dogs that were walked by their owners, and the different colored bikes that people rode around the lake, either slowly or very fast or just right. And as Perry slowly peddled his bike around Angel Lake, just as if it was a dreamy wish come true, he noticed the benches that were empty of people because the people all seemed to be walking for their daily exercise. Perry thought it was strange how people could travel to Angel Lake not take the time to sit down to ponder the mysteries of life, of God, and of other realms beside the life on planet earth.

Perry knew that he had found a piece of heaven because from one of those park benches, he could sit still enough to hear heaven and the angels and even other creatures from other reams speak to him. Perry also knew that the trick was to know the difference between his own thinking, especially his own sub-conscious mind speaking to him versus the other realms which might be sending him information of one sort or another. Perry imagined himself sitting at every bench for whatever reason or another, and looking out into the angelic realm while he transformed his mind from a complex human mind to a sort of simple, yet multi-dimensional mystical mind that was at one with the whole universe, and even at one with many universes.

Perry picked a bench that was located next to the water because he did not want to be disturbed by people walking around the lake. Some benches were located on the ground next to the sidewalk where if people were walking on the sidewalk, they could say hi and start a conversation which would take time away from Perry’s conversations with the other, invisible realms above and beyond the water. Sitting down on the bench, Perry looked above to watch the flying seagulls that seemed to represent flying angels and other flying creatures if people would only imagine what it would be like to sit on the back of a single seagull and let them be the flying pilot.

A mental experiment of flying without being in a plane, or even without owning a pair of wings. To imagine sitting on the back of a flying seagull or any bird meant seeing the earth as the seagull or other flying bird would see it, along with seeing the decisions that the seagull made in the course of every second of flight. Somehow, someway, Perry’s mind stepped off the flying seagull and stepped into the other world about the lake and he entered into a mental zone which lead him that into And those angelic creatures that watched over his human body, saw him seated on the bench and they also felt his mind leave all earthly things behind for as long as it took for any specific moment of transformational experience. Perry, half aware of his sitting body and half aware of the angelic realm above the lake’s waters, began to hear the silent voices of stillness.

The silent voice of the angelic realms spoke in a language that far exceeded and human language of wordy concepts, and sentences, and even of wordy sounds. A language where voices of love instead of hate and fear, of intelligence instead of movies, songs, books, and of other peoples who were still confused by millions of years of human thought instead of angelic thought that always seemed to help those human minds who were opening up their minds so they could leave their old earthly human mind behind for a new cosmic mind of oneness instead of divison.

Even when there were no voices or messages, the sound of the angelic realm would be hear above the lake’s sounds of noisy ducks, and geese, and barking dogs, and talking people, and lawn grass cutting machines. But when Perry floated back down to earth because of the distracting sounds of the lakes earthly life, Perry knew then it was time to head home and practice his listening while he sat in his backyard, as he watched the sun begin its decline to the west to leave the earth lightless for the earth’s night creatures that would leave their hiding places to search for food or to explore his backyard and other backyards.

And when the sun disappeared, leaving white spots that covered the dark sky, Perry would again, stare up into space, leaving his earthly existence behind for a moment or two, as he wondered what other kinds of life were located in other star formations, so far away that the only way to visit those other cosmic life forms would be leave the body, or visit them in a cosmic night dream.

Since human space travel was probably never going to transcend the limitations of the real space-time problems of cosmic travel, even in the future, Perry cam to the very certain conclusion that the only true way to travel to other life forms that were located on other planets in very distant sections of the seemingly physical universe and to other forms of life in other realms other than the seemingly infinite physical universe we see with our limited brains, was for humans to develop different mental and higher level realms of understanding and consciousness (s) for the sole purpose of communicating with higher life forms that wanted to communicate with humans; but that could never happen when humans were still stuck in their limited way of seeing the universe as a one dimensional solid thing of space and time.

Perry had been working on that problem for so many years that he lost count of the those years, but then again, Perry was always looking towards the future, both as a human earth creature
and as a cosmic creature of the cosmic universe.

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United States
When I was in college studying International Economics/Finance, I was also wondering how to develop a more powerful brain. So in 2001,I began a very specialized ambidextrous brain exercise program, for two hours per day,for many years. Those brain exercise began with me writing out words,mostly verbs, with both hands in different patterns.That developed into dual handed sentence writing to longer stories and dual handed drawing exercises.Details are for future books.I did these two hour brain workouts as a personal experiment to restructure my brain's neurons for the purpose of making my brain stronger for writing and language development; for logically creative storying writing.As far as I know, I am the only person in the course of history to have developed these ambidextrous hand/brain exercises.The purpose of these ambidextrous brain exercises is to strenghten both sides of the brain for language skills development, and to connect both sides of the brain together for language skills development. There is a very logical neurological reason for using two hands to write and draw as brain exercises. I also draw with both hands. 52 Stories is my testament!